Kimochis®教材中的情緒感覺公仔,各有其獨特性格,有助家長與孩子討論較負面或抽象的性格特質。課程亦著重於建立一套共同的情緒用詞,令家長與孩子能更容易溝通感受和想法。Kimochis®教材由美國教育專家Ellen P. Dodge設計,曾獲多個國際獎項,於美國及澳洲廣泛為學校及家長使用,是一套全面而備受使用者讚賞的情智教育教材。
5 x 13” characters, (Cloud, Hug, Bug, Cat and Lovely Dove)
33 feelings, Teacher’s Edition Feel Guide (Traditional Chinese/English version) and take-home Feel Guide (English version)
33 feelings included: Happy, Mad, Sad, Brave, Left Out, Curious, Cranky, Silly, Frustrated, Hopeful, Proud, Optimistic, Disappointed, Sensitive, Insecure, Jealous, Loved, Grateful, Scared, Shy, Kind, Hurt, Sorry, Uncomfortable, Friendly, Sleepy, Surprised, Embarrassed, Guilty, Excited, and 3 blank Make Your Own.
The Kimochis® Educators Curriculum: Elementary Edition (Grades 1-5) is the 296-page Feel Guide designed to introduce social-emotional learning (SEL) to children.
(English version only)
The Kimochis® Educators Curriculum: Early Childhood Edition (Preschool, TK, K) is a 316-page
Feel Guide designed to introduce social-emotional learning (SEL) and character education to children.
(English version only)
Includes 36 total pieces (12 feelings, 3 of each): Happy, Silly, Brave, Curious, Sad, Mad, Cranky, Excited, Loved, Sorry, Sleepy, Hopeful. Each feeling is approximately 2" x 2".
Includes 36 total pieces (12 feelings, 3 of each): Happy, Silly, Brave, Curious, Proud, Grateful, Kind, Excited, Loved, Friendly, Optimistic, Hopeful. Each feeling is approximately 2" x 2".
12 mini 2 feelings with keychain Include: Happy, Mad, Sad, Loved, Hopeful, Curious, Excited, Sorry, Silly, Sleepy, Cranky, and Brave. Each feeling is approximately 2" x 2".
13" Cat with a Feel Guide and 3 feelings, include: Happy, Cranky, and Curious
13" Huggs with a Feel Guide and 3 feelings, include: Happy, Silly, and Frustrated
13" Lovey Dove™ with a Feel Guide and 3 feelings, include: Happy, Hopeful and Proud
13" Bug with a Feel Guide and 3 feelings, include: Happy, Leftout, and Brave
13" Clover with a Feel Guide and 3 feelings, include: Happy, Disappointed, Optimistic
13" Bella Rose with a Feel Guide and 3 feelings, include: Happy, Sensitive, and Insecure
The Kimochis® Nesting Heart is one plush heart nestled inside another. When family members or friends are separated, each person can keep a heart as a tangible, playful way to stay connected.
Cloud was having the BEST day ever, until everything started to go wrong. When Cloud bursts and rains on everyone's parade, his nurturing friend Lovey Dove reminds him that it's okay to be mad, but it's not okay to be mean...
Bug is afraid to try new things. When his friends invite him for a swim, he would much rather stay at home and read a good book. When Lovey Dove reminds Bug that it's okay to be afraid, Bug finds...
Cat is determined to build the perfect sandcastle. When her friends come to help, Cat gets frustrated that things aren't turning out just right. Cat shouts, "I want to do it my way!" After Cat finishes her masterpiece, the waves crash, and she realizes that...
Huggtopus is ready to play! But, when her big, friendly personality becomes a bit too much for her friends, Huggtopus learns an important lesson. For fun to be fun, it has to be...
Turtle Dove is ready for the first day of school, but his mama, Lovey Dove, is a bit worried. When Turtle excitedly takes his first leap during flying lessons, Lovey Dove can’t help but...
It’s Bella Rose’s birthday party! The Kimochis are so excited to celebrate with Bella, but will Bella be able to enjoy her friends and host the party she’s been planning?
Clover is excited to be in charge of the annual Kimochis camping trip! He’s packed and ready to go, but as the Kimochis set up camp, they realize that...
日期: 16/7/2024 (星期二) (2:30p.m.-4:30p.m.)
內容簡介:平衡體操聚焦於改善學習者的專注力,協調能力(身體及手眼)及執行能力。平衡體 操有利改善過度活躍症、自閉症、專注力缺失及讀寫困難的協調缺失。平衡體操能安插在其他 Kimochis 小組課堂的活動中,進一步提升小組效能。
費用: HK$1000,早鳥: HK$900
日期: 24/6/2024 (星期一) (9:05a.m.-11:05a.m.)
內容簡介:幼兒漸漸長大,開始進入不同的社交群體中,與同性或異性的接觸越來越頻繁, 因此教導幼兒恰當的兩性社交關係至為重要。Kimochis 的 Bella Rose 將教導幼兒恰當的兩性社交關係,讓幼兒及早掌握兩性的社交距離,合宜的接觸,適切的用語 等。此外,課程亦著重提高幼兒的分辨和觀察能力,以強化他們的自我保護意 識,遠離侵犯。
費用: HK$1300,早鳥: HK$1170 (報名費包括 6” Bella Rose 及 3 節課堂教案)
日期: 24/6/2024 (星期一) (11:05a.m.-1:05p.m.)
內容簡介: 隨著兒童日漸長大,他們面對的人際互動更多,更複雜,更具挑戰。抗逆力能幫助兒童面對壓力和焦慮,讓他們縱然面對挫敗、遭受嘲諷、被排斥,也能剛強面對。 Kimochis Advance 的幸運四葉草正是為鼓勵兒童積極面對逆境、加強自身抗逆力而創作的角色。
費用: HK$1300,早鳥: HK$1170 (報名費包括 6” Clover 及 3 節課堂教案)
日期: 15/7/2024 (星期一) (11:05a.m.-1:05 p.m.)
內容簡介:自閉症的孩子因偏執和固著的行為,經常讓照顧者和師長困擾不堪。情智高 教材在編寫時便有特別為這些特殊需要的孩子設計了相關的社交情智教學,尤其有關 情緒管理的學習。本節教授的內容為針對 ASD 兒童的需要進行介入的三種現時最為有 效的方案,包括認知障礙,感觀障礙和情感障礙等三個範疇的對應方案及介入技巧
費用: HK$1000,早鳥: HK$900
日期: 16/7/2024 (星期二) (9:30a.m.-11:30a.m.)
內容簡介: 在 Kimochis 基礎課程裡,我們已經初步了解過不同情緒的處理方法,而在 進階課程裡,我們會更著重探討如何透過遊戲營造特定情緒,令同學可以 在安全的環境下親身體驗,並從中學習如何表達及回應別人的感受。根據 美國著名心理學家 Robert Plutchik 的情緒理論,我們一共有八種基本情 緒,這個課程裡會包括其中的五個 (快樂、傷心、憤怒、恐懼、信任),而 除了這些情緒的營造方法之外,我們亦會探討針對性的處理方法。完成這 個課程你將會掌握:情緒的分類法、如何透過遊戲讓兒童經驗上述五個指定情緒及其對應的管理方法。
費用: HK$1000,早鳥: HK$900
日期: 15/7/2024 (星期一) (9:05a.m.-11:05a.m.)
內容簡介: 認識幼童2-6歲情商發展,如何運用kimochis feeling pillows協助兒童管理情緒挑戰並掌握轉化負面情緒的方法。
費用: 費用: HK$1000,早鳥: HK$900
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Whatsapp: +852 64082165